Monday, January 30, 2017

More on Kubernetes/OpenShift JSON Path

In a past post:

I discussed what json path could do. Today I learned that filters (are only capable of doing simple comparisons (==, !=, <=, >=) type operations.

The tl;dr version is (see regex):

 However because Kubernetes (and by proxy OpenShift) use the jsonpath extension from exponent-io and the golang re2 (regex engine).

The above "filter" operation to find and compare parts of the path are only (as of right now) capable of simple operations.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Fedora and Native Script

I have decided to look into mobile application development. Due to my hardware limitations (I don't own a Mac), I am limited to Android Application development.

However as Java is not my favorite language and I want the ability to possibly port my application over to IOS, I have decided to look into writing an application using NativeScript. This will allow me to learn javascript (better) as well as write an application that has the possibility of being portable to Android and IOS.

To get started, I needed to download and install all of the required dependencies. The NativeScript website has a guide however no instructions for Fedora.

Because I have a newly installed Fedora 25 system, I decided to see if Fedora's DevAssistant could help me get the required dependencies.
  • Note: The Fedora Magazine has a good guide for installing Android Developer Studio. 
    • Installing Android Developer Sudio is a LONG process, as you can dowload up to 50GB+ of material.
    • Your going to need Disk Space for the SDK and the Emulators. 
To get all the needed components, I did the following:
sudo dnf install gcc-c++.x86_64

sudo dnf install devassistant devassistant-ui
da pkg install android-studio
da crt android-studio --name Test

### Setup bashrc
#### edit: ./.bashrc and add the following.

export JAVA_HOME=$(alternatives --list | grep java_sdk_openjdk | awk '{print $3}')

export ANDROID_HOME=${HOME}/android-studio/android-sdk-linux
export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/
export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools/
### End of file. 

rm -rf Test    ## The project crated by DevAssistant is not needed.

sudo $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android update sdk --filter tools,platform-tools,android-23,build-tools-23.0.3,extra-android-m2repository,extra-google-m2repository,extra-android-support --all --no-ui

sudo npm install -g nativescript --unsafe-perm

tns doctor    ### Make sure it does not report any errors
With this in place I am ready to start the development of my project!

Its the little things (like opening a web browser)

Sometimes as your developing a solution/script for a problem your faced with interesting challenges where the dumbest workaround (opening a ...